Hello all, I know I’ve been bad haven’t posted in awhile. Motivation and infuriation says quite a bit right now, as does frustration. Let’s start with motivation, which I do not have on many levels especially to exercise. I have a very demanding career with long hours and yes I know not an excuse, but most of the time I just want to go home and crash and if I’m off the next day I just want to vegetate on my couch. No I do not set a good example in getting up and moving. I have taken some small steps though: parking my car farther away from the building at work and hoofing my behind around to the front entrance instead of the closest entrance, lifting weights while watching TV, as well as using a small stationary elliptical. I know in the long run this is not enough exercise but it’s a start. If anyone out there has any motivation tips for me feel free constructive criticism is always welcomed.
Now the frustration comes with trying to train myself to start eating the way I would post surgery. This no drinking with meals thing is definitely way tougher than it sounds. Even eating a meal over 30 min is tough. I mean at home I can consciously make an effort to eat that slowly, but at work I don’t have time to stop and think “hey I’m supposed to eating like a turtle!” The first time I tried to eat like that I had to set a timer on my phone. I suppose there’s a science to it. It felt as if I was taking a super long time to eat, but you know something when time was up I honestly was full and didn’t even eat everything on my plate. This of course was coupled with trying not to drink while eating and thoroughly chewing my food. As busy human beings we literally inhale food and sometimes large portions of food and because we are eating so quickly don’t even realize we’re full and how much we actually ate. This has got to be a huge contribution to the obesity epidemic in this country. Other cultures take time to savor their meals, they close up for 2-4 hours in the middle of the day and open back up later in the evening they don’t live the rat race must keep up with the Jones’s type of life style most American’s do.
Lastly, my infuriation comes from dealing with all these surgical clearance appointments. The nicest staff to deal with on the phone so far has been for psych clearance. The receptionist was lovely and knowledgeable and I didn’t picture for one second Janine from the Ghostbusters hollering into the with the cig hanging out of her mouth “what d’ya want?!” The pulmonologists office on the hand was definitely a Janine. I had to basically argue with her and tell her what I needed which was so much fun. Because I’m not a medical professional or anything I can’t just show up for a test without a doctors script. My biggest aggravation of all came just last night actually. Expecting to have my second nutrition appointment at 730pm and the bariatric nutrition area of the hospital is locked up tighter than a drum. Of course they were very apologetic when someone was able to get in touch with the director and they would figure out a way to make this up to me. That does not compensate me for my time, gas and knowledge that was not obtained because there was an error on their part. They did reschedule me I did receive copious amounts of protein and vitamin samples, however this lack of communication is seriously aggravating. My advice to all of you going through this stage of the game is learn some meditation oh and patience because I have not learned either, trust me it will benefit you in the long run.