The title of this post is not very encouraging I know, however this has been my life for two weeks while approaching my surgery date. Not only has the diet been extremely difficult, but dealing with last minute mix ups has also been super stressful.
So let me tell you a little bit about this diet…I’m not going to lie it’s mostly liquid and some of the sample combinations you can eat during the day are rather unappetizing. For example I don’t eat my oatmeal with a glass of tomato juice. The items included in my diet are things like applesauce, sugar free jello and pudding, tamato juice, oatmeal, and of course protein shakes. I also need to intake 64oz of water/ sugar free/caffeine free beverages a day. Can I tell you that nursing and going to the bathroom every 5 min just doesn’t mix. May as well stick a foley catheter in me and call it a day! The diet creators have granted a kindness by including a small salad with non starchy vegetables, fat free salad dressing and baked chichen or fish. Trust me its not much and the temptation is definitely real.
Why is all this torture required?? Well every surgeon is different but it is all designed to shrink your liver presurgery and make it easier to get to your stomach. The liver really is one of our most amazing organs if it’s not too far gone it can regenerate itself if need be, but it also can accumulate fat on it over the years especially in overweight and obese people and this can lead to liver failure. I was diagnosed with fatty liver a few lighter years ago and have been struggling with weight ever since, so hopefully this will improve the health of my liver greatly.
The question I keep recieving is “Are you scared?” I want to say what the hell kind of question is that??! I’m f…king petrified! I keep telling myself it’s an hour/hour and a half out of my life that will change the rest of my whole life for the better. Surgery is Wednesday, clear liquids and parents on Tuesday…happy reading talk to yo all soon!
Rebekah you got this I am cheering you on all the way. Please keep me posted on your progress you are one of the bravest courageous people I know to share your journey like this . If you need anything please reach out and let me know.