2 weeks postop and I now have what I’m calling the blah factor. I’m told lots of changes are happening in your body and you don’t even know it, well some of those changes cause me to sit here and be slightly depressed for no reason whatsoever. I just attended a support group this pst Saturday where a psychologist spoke about “emotional pitfalls” after surgery. Yes there are so many, but to sit here and be depressed for no good reason on a beautiful day is beyond my understanding.
I’m also dealing with being extremely thirsty no matter what or how much I drink. Not dehydrated to my nursing knowledge and waiting for a phone call from the nutritionist. Oh and I’m also craving salt and nothing I’m allowed to have right now is helping that at all. A sugar free ice pop did save me from that dry mouth feeling I’ve had so I guess I will have to have more of them during the day. The problem is that nothing is satisfying right now and I’m not sure that’s a part of the normal process or not, hence my phone call to the nutritionist.
Other things have happened over the past 2 weeks where all I have to say is make sure you have a strong support system if you choose to do this. A fair weather support system will not work for this type of surgery. Yes the work is all on you, but you need people to tell you you can do it, we’re proud of you and you look good. It’s essential to your mental health.
Lastly, let me just address the question I’ve had about “well can’t I just do the diet and not have surgery.” Well I suppose yes you could, but do I suggest that no. First of all it is the most difficult, most unappetizing diet I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried a lot of diets. Secondly, I’m pretty sure that the diet for someone who hasn’t had the surgery will have the yo-yo effect. Once you drop say 20lbs it will all come back and then some after you start eating normally again. So for me it was either commit or live with the way I was and I didn’t want to do that. So here I am talking to you letting you know that again it’s a commitment and not a decision to make lightly. Happy reading until my next post! ?
Cheer up Rebekah! I’m sure a touch of the blues is all a normal part of the journey. You are saying goodbye to the old you and there is a grief process to that. Try and be outside as often as you can, that little dog of yours will probably be more than happy to keep you company! Try some gentle yoga (it really works) and focus on all the positive changes you are making.
We are all rooting for you!
I love reading your blog posts. This blah feeling will pass. And when it comes on call someone or shoot a text and you have a whole support system at your fingertips who are proud of you and support you. This is only a phase that is transient and you are passing through. As you get further into eating more normally and back to work you will see how much better you feel. Also remember you are used to going out to work etc and socializing. Km so proud of you and this will pass and you will see the results of these tough times!!
Way to go Rebecca – can’t wait to hear more.
Love your blog!! You should turn it into a book!! God Bless your strength!! And Stay Strong!! I’m so impressed with your Journey & Determination!! Hugs & Prayers for You !!! ?❤
I just may try to you never know.
I am so proud that you took this on. This is not for the faint hearted. I think that you might be down because you are out of your routine. Also March is a hard month to get through because we are all sick of the cold days. Keep the faith and call me if you want to talk.
Thanks Tish I will keep that im mind.