One Bite Too Many…?

My 2 month follow up appointment was last week and they have me down for a loss of 36 lbs!! ???I seem to be averaging about a 2 lbs a week weight loss which I suppose is good, way better than I was doing on my own.  I don’t know if I listed my stats for all of you to get an idea of where I was when I started all this and where I am now so here they are:

Heaviest weight: 290

Starting weight: 286

Current weight (as of 9:30 this am): 246

My hardest thing has been exercise and, now that I’m cleared to start eating like a normal human being, beating the carb monster.  I am a carb addict I will freely admit that if give the choice between veggies and cheese doodles–those cheese doodles are a hell of a lot more enticing than veggies.  When my mom was here for my surgery we did a pretty good sweep of the pantry, and got rid of a lot of junk food plus donated anything I wouldn’t be eating for awhile needless to say the pantry is pretty diet friendly.  I have had my moments of weakness like Pringles and Popcorners.  Of course I can only eat so many one bite too much and I basically feel like I want to die.  I discovered the staple of the American bbq, potato salad, definitely doesn’t sit well after like two bites.  How can I explain this full feeling?  It’s like a weight is sitting on my chest almost in my throat.  I’ve watched many episodes of “My 600 lbs Life” and I don’t know how anyone could have a major set back or even shovel the fast food or any food for that matter down their throats without feeling like they want to die, and for me eating past that is absolutely impossible plus I try not to get to that feeling in the first place.

My activity and energy level is much better.  I’ve done more exercise in the past couple weeks than I have in a long time.  Things like gardening and even walking from a farther parking spot don’t seem like such a chore.   I try to spend some time on the eliptical or exercising with one of my dvds and lifting weights is a must.  I don’t know if I’m going to get rid of my bat wings (I’m pretty sure I’m on my way to being an unmarried spinster anyway ?), but I’m certainly going to try.

My goal right now is to lower my carb intake, because of course once the nutritionist said I could have bread it was all over.  However, I have been looking for alternatives to bread that are just as good.  I’ve been meaning to make something called cloud bread, but my house being 80 degrees is cutting into my baking experiments.  My other issue:

It’s been so hard for me to get all that fluid in.  It feels like 64 fluid oz is just an impossibility for me. On a good day maybe I get in 54.  I’ve mentioned this to the doc and the nutritionist but haven’t gotten any solid answers to fix this.  So I do the best I can and some kind of fluid is glued to my side all day long and I sip, sip, sip!  Well until next time happy reading!

Temptation and the Wal…

This is so very true, and hopefully this is my only post about said subject, but it probably won’t be.  Let me start by saying if you venture onto the path of surgical weight loss do everything the surgeon and the nutritionist say.  It’s very important to follow every detail of your post op diet and not stop drinking your protien, taking your vitamins, and eating the stage appropriate diet.  Yes you will probably get very tired of the post op diet.  There isn’t a lot of variety to mine and things that used to taste good to me before just have no flavor.  I have read that this can happen sometimes so I’m not worried.  You can get creative with what you can eat but it’s definitely not easy.

I’m 8 weeks post up coming up on another post op doctors appointment soon which will be my 9 week mark.  I’m 30 lbs down and something in me just wants so much more.  So what’s with the temptation title?  Well just because I have a smaller stomach doesn’t mean I had surgery to change the thoughts in my head.  That being said I still crave certain things.  I didn’t in the very beginning, but I do now.  Lately, it’s been things like nachos, chocolate, and french fries.  And trust me I did stray a few times from the diet and most recently it was the worst choice I’ve made over the past couple of weeks.  If you want to end up uncomfortable and probably in the bathroom don’t follow the diet and you’ll be there.

On a brighter note I did get over the exercise wall nothing too crazy walking, eliptical and lifting weights.  Doing some circuit training which is pretty fun.  And let me just tell you how much exercise a trail walk is with me, my friend, two strollers, 3 infants and my dog ?!

Post op appointment Thursday until then happy reading!