For those of you who know me I recently shared this photo I created on Facebook. The image on the left is me about 2 years ago. The middle picture is this past October and the picture on the right is just a few weeks ago. I saw this and just went 😱! So my starting weight last March was 290 lbs and now I am 207 lbs, which is a weight loss of 83 lbs. Crazy right???!!!
This post may go all over the place because I am currently watching My 600lbs Life and this family is cooking fried chicken and french fries for their 600 plus pound father. I don’t think families realize how much, even if it’s not food, they can contribute to and overweight relatives issues. A lot of times they just enable the individual to be the way they are, which sounds like it’s fun but when you’re obese you’re a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. You’re literally slowly dying in this shell of fat. It hurts when a person you love gives you a wake up call and tells you like it is, but I’m thankful that things said opened my eyes to what I never wanted to be.
That being said we are going in to a new year and that always comes with new years resolutions that for many of us don’t last beyond the first week of January. However mine need to last beyond that and they need to be realistic. I am already slightly disappointed that I am 9 months out and still not under 200lbs. I’ve decided I don’t need a gym to get the exercise I need, I just need to be disciplined and pop my exercise dvds into the dvd player. That should be the easiest thing I do all day. I actually wrote down which workouts I will do each day. The challenge is mixing it up so I don’t get bored and making sure I’m doing some kind of exercise every day including the days I work. My work days will be a challenge because I already get up super early to get to work with the hour drive I have. This may sound crazy, but my unit is not always that busy so during a break or the slow periods I found my exercise woman on YouTube I may be able to squeeze something in while I’m at work. I’ve also been using the stairs and that’s way more than I ever did before.
So my New Years resolutions are honestly the same as they’ve been every year, except I feel like now they are realistic and attainable. Since I’ve already lost a small child in weight the last 60lbs should be nothing.
Happy reading and have a safe, happy and healthy New Year!