Hi everyone!!! Let’s do some catching up I’ve had a pretty crazy couple of months. I lost my aunt to cancer and my grandmother to old age about a month apart. I’ve been struggling with pain so bad I thought a few times I was having a heart attack. I kept bringing up and pushing the issue with my surgeon every time I went for a sleeve checkup. Finally he ordered an ultrasound and I had gallstones.
Now let me tell you all a little something about gallstones, lots of people have them. Lots of people walk around with them every day and they don’t even know they have them and they may never cause them any pain. It’s when you start to have pain that you start having issues. Apparently my gallstones started moving around and that’s what caused these attacks particularly when I ate a heavy or a fatty meal because your gallbladder helps in the digestion of those types of meals. Apparently as per the doctor who did the surgery many bariatric patients have gallbladder problems after they have bariatric surgery. They could have had stones prior to surgery and don’t know it but once they start rapidly loosing weight gallbladder problems can occur. So on October 17th I became one organ lighter and I now have a Frankenbelly as I like to call it. I will never be a swimsuit model…there goes that dream 🙄.
I have four incisions, 2 of which were from my sleeve surgery and the one under my right breast is currently still giving me some issues. I get an occasional sharp pain there that’s apparently from an internal stitch which was placed so I don’t get a hernia. Not going to lie the pain after this surgery was nothing like my sleeve. I barely had any pain after my sleeve this pain was ridiculous! I had gas pain up my right shoulder for days and I couldn’t figure out how to get in bed let alone how to sleep. I gave my bed up for my parents so here’s my a** on all fours on the futon trying to figure out which way to turn that wasn’t going to hurt so I could lay down and sleep. Then I couldn’t lay flat for a few days because it hurt so much so I slept elevated I was truly miserable, but I’ve had people tell me it was the best thing they ever did. It has to be better then being in the bathroom feeling like you are going to die any moment.
Now that gallbladder surgery is out of the way the diet and exercise needs to get back on track. I’m down 95 lbs but still have 50 to go. I can totally do it just a matter of diet and exercise which I will keep you all updated about—-happy reading!!!