No pun intended of course…
A few days ago I had my psychology clearance appointment, which was iteresting to say the least. Now I’ve never been to a psychologist before, the closest I’ve come is in college. I went to a counselor because I was feeling depressed. She was less than helpful telling me in a nutshell that I had it all together, there was no reason to be depressed and why the heck was I sitting in her office?! The psychologist was a totally different experience.
It’s very close to Halloween as you all know and in true fashion on the way to this appointment it was pouring out and I was stuck in suburbia hell where every house looked alike and my over-active imagination was thinking I’m walking right into a horror movie. The receptionist that made the appointment told me the doctor’s office is out of his home and please do not go to the front door, please use the side door. The office was very quiet very zen and the receptionist, at least I assume she was a receptionist asked for the usual and handed me a clipboard with a packet of papers on it.
Psychological testing is very interesting I fail to see how drawing a house, a tree, or a person is going to get into my head and be able to allow the doc to figure me all out. The pictures were actually my favorite part of the whole process; there were also tests for depression and self esteem as well as a complete the scentence questionnaire.
Although the paperwork was very thorough the actual interview was mediocre at best. When I walked into the reception area there was a woman sitting there who was also heavy and, I shouldn’t assume but did that, she was there for the same thing had already filled out her papers. She was called in and I’d just started my paperwork figuring it was going to be awhile until she came out. When I tell you she was in the office for probably 15 minutes that would be generous. I probably finished my papers about 10 minutes or so after the woman before me left and was called into the office about 5 minutes later.
I sat on the proverbial couch to have my head “shrunk” to find that it was more of an interview than a talking session. Typical medical history questions were asked, if I had support and if I knew exactly what the surgery and post surgical care entailed. Of course I did and I sat on that couch thinking where are the difficult questions the questions that were supposed to dig into my brain and tell this guy who I was and how I may do with all of this?
Basically this man was Captain Obvious and told me that I was mildly depressed, nothing he thought I needed medication for and that most likely it was due to my weight. He was of course recommending me for surgery and to see how I felt after I lost weight and if I was still depressed then I could start therapy. I was maybe in his office for 15 minutes.
You may say to yourself well this doesn’t tell me anything. Through my experience all I can tell readers who may be thinking about surgery is to be honest when you answer the questions because if you need help presurgery this is a way for your doctors to know so you can get it. I’m pretty sure those tests have a way deeper meaning and can identify any dysfunction that may exsist in a patients life. The only other thing I can say is if the doctor finds that you do need presurgery assistance take it seriously and get the help you need it could make a world of difference in your pre and post surgical experience.